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Oración por los emigrantes y refugiados

Siento por los que pasan hambre en éste mundo, los que han emigrado y piden libertad de justicia. Los desplazados que andan por el m...

martes, 3 de enero de 2012


The Rosary
 The Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena
Your Role in the Living Rosary Today
The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.
– James 5:16
The Living Rosary Association was founded by Venerable Pauline Marie Jaricot at Lyon, France in 1826, at the age of 27. She first founded the Propagation of the Faith at the age of twenty. Pauline was a close friend of Saint Jean Marie Vianney, the CurÉ of Ars. It was approved and richly indulgenced by Pope Gregory XVI, and accorded official canonical status on January 27, 1832.

The Living Rosary Association began its revival on December 8, 1986, with 30 local members. Blessed 1000-fold by Our Lady and under the powerful patronage of St. Philomena, the membership is now 11,369,699 and has been planted in every continent of the world. Over 3/4 of the membership lives in foreign and Third World countries. Each member is asked to voluntarily give a small monthly donation. There is no other financial support other than from its members. The funds received are placed directly back into the work of our Missionary Centers around the world. For those who are unable to contribute a monetary donation, we ask for your fervent prayers that our material needs are met.
Let us reach all souls with the spiritual remedy of the Living Rosary!
To register as a member of the Living Rosary, please click here. A list of 15 names will be assembled, and when the Rosary is complete, the decade you have been assigned and the day to begin will be sent to you.
Partnered in prayer with Our Lady for the Salvation of the World!
Let us unite with one purpose, spirit and prayer. The intentions of the Universal Living Rosary Association are:
The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and in honor of St. Philomena our patroness and protectress.
Membership Obligations
The Living Rosary is a “perpetual" Rosary! That is, you accept the obligation to pray your daily Mystery faithfully for the remainder of your life. These obligations do not bind under pain of sin, but your effort and desire to remain faithful are necessary. If you should decide that you can no longer fulfill your obligation, we do understand. Our only concern is to keep the Rosaries complete. Please do let us know if you can no longer participate so that we may reassign your Mystery.

Have courage, my dear children! I exhort you to fight against the persecution of the Church and against anarchy, not with the sword, but with the rosary, with prayer and good example.
– Pope Pius IX, on May 23, 1877
A regular Spring and Winter newsletter, “Dedicated Decades", is posted to each member in an effort to encourage all to persevere and remain faithful. The individual devotion of isolated souls is often a spark in the middle of darkness without the influence of a flame. Through our union of charity in prayer and intention, this spiritual remedy is 'injected' into the souls of all who participate as "spiritual medicine". In this way, those who are strong uphold the weak; those who are fervent inspire the lukewarm and the spiritually rich enrich the poor: BRING THEM TOGETHER AND YOU HAVE A FURNACE! One who prays the Rosary alone receives the grace of one Rosary but, if he is united with many, he gains the graces and merits of the whole. Your Decade may be offered at any time of the day or night.

The Living Rosary Associates must pray daily one OUR FATHER, ten HAIL MARY’s and one GLORY BE, accompanied by meditation on the Mystery assigned. It is recommended that this be done during the morning hours. The graces of this great union of prayer will fortify and strengthen you for the many difficulties and duties of your busy and demanding day.

Our Commitment:
One Our Father
Ten Hail Mary’s
Meditation on the Mystery

Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
In Honor of Saint Philomena

Any time of the day or night and in any place – no need to gather in a group.

Daily until death!

$1.00 a month will help us meet the expenses of the Apostolate.

Bring in new members

List your first and last name

Pray for deceased members
Pray for us

The indulgences granted to this simple devotion include all those of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary and more! The 15 Promises

The Rosary

The Rosary is our greatest weapon – the rampart against which the forces of evil have no defense. It is the most highly indulgenced and recommended prayer. It is a weapon “without equal” that will crush the enemies of Holy Mother the Church, and finally, bring peace so needed in our world! The Rosary is the Bulwark of the Church:

“Many Christian nations seek the protection of the Mother of God with an ardor that grows greater every day; may they cling more and more to the practice of the Holy Rosary, not only as a remedy for their misfortunes, but as the very badge of Christian piety! The Rosary is the protection of the Mother of God against the enemies of the Catholic Church. To Mary we must fly. We wish to see it offered more widely in all places and at all times! The great virgin of the Rosary is the most potent help of Christians."

come from the link-http://www.philomena.org/rosary.asp

Oh Gloriosa Santa Filomena, Virgen y Mártir!, ejemplo de fe y esperanza, generosa en la caridad, a Vos suplico, escuchad mi oración. Desde el cielo donde reináis, haced caer sobre mi toda la protección y auxilio que necesito en este momento en que mis fuerzas enflaquecen. Vos que sois tan poderosa junto a Dios, interceded por mi y alcánzadme la gracia que os pido (mencione la gracia que desea recibir).
¡Oh Santa Filomena!, ilustre por tantos milagros, rogad por mí. No me abandonéis, jamás dejéis de mirar como un rayo de esperanza sobre mí y mi familia. Apartad de mí las tentaciones, dad paz a mi alma y bendecid mi casa. ¡Oh Santa Filomena!, por la sangre que derramasteis por amor a Jesucristo, alcánzadme la gracia que os pido (repita ahora su petición).
Rezar un Padrenuestro, Avemaría y Gloria.
Santa Filomena, ayúdadme a alcanzar la gracia. Te prometo que seré tu devoto y que manifestaré a otros necesitados lo milagrosa y bondadosa que eres. Amén.


Oh gran Santa Filomena, Virgen y Mártir, obradora de maravillas de nuestra era, le doy las más fervientes gracias a Dios por los dones milagrosos otorgados a Vos, y os suplico impartirme una porción de las gracias y bendiciones de las cuales vos habéis sido el canal para tantas almas. Por la heroica fortitud con la cual confrontasteis la furia de tiranos y el disgusto de los poderosos antes que desviaros de vuestra alianza con el Rey del Cielo, obtened para mí pureza de cuerpo y alma, pureza de corazón y deseo, pureza de pensamiento y afecto.

Por vuestra paciencia bajo sufrimientos multiplicados, obtened para mí una aceptación sumisa de todas las aflicciones que pueda complacer a Dios enviarme y como vos escapasteis milagrosamente ilesa de las aguas del Tiber, en el que fuisteis arrojada por orden de vuestro perseguidor, así también yo pueda pasar a través de las aguas de tribulación sin detrimento a mi alma. Además de estos favores, obtened para mí, Oh esposa fiel de Jesús, la necesidad particular que ardientemente os recomiendo en este momento. Oh Virgen pura y Mártir santa, dígnate dirigir una mirada de piedad desde el Cielo sobre vuestro devoto siervo, consoladme en aflicción, asistidme en el peligro, sobre todo venid en mi auxilio a la hora de mi muerte. Guardad sobre los intereses de la Iglesia de Dios, rezad por su exaltación y prosperidad, la extensión de la Fe, por el Soberano Pontífice, por el clero, por la perseverancia del justo, la conversión de los pecadores, y el sufragio de las almas del Purgatorio, especialmente mis seres queridos. Oh gran Santa, cuyo triunfo celebramos en la tierra, interceded por mí, para que un día pueda contemplar la corona de gloria otorgada a vos en el Cielo y bendecir a El quien liberalmente recompensa por toda la eternidad los sufrimientos soportados por Su amor durante esta corta vida. Amén.


Oh Purísima Virgen, gloriosa Mártir Santa Filomena, quien Dios en Su poder eterno parece haber revelado al mundo en estos días desastrosos para revivir la fe, sostener la esperanza e inflamar la caridad en almas cristianas, contempladme postrada a vuestros pies. Dignaos, Oh Virgen llena de bondad y virtud, recibir mis humildes oraciones y obtener para mí esa pureza por la cual sacrificasteis los placeres más atractivos del mundo, esa fortaleza de alma que os hizo resistir los más terribles ataques y ese ardiente amor por nuestro Señor Jesucristo que los más temidos tormentos no pudieron extinguir en vos. Así que, imitándoos en esta vida, pueda algún día ser coronada con vos en el Cielo. Amén.


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