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Oración por los emigrantes y refugiados

Siento por los que pasan hambre en éste mundo, los que han emigrado y piden libertad de justicia. Los desplazados que andan por el m...

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

Petición/Acción de gracias

Filipenses 4:6-7Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)

6 Por nada estéis afanosos, sino sean conocidas vuestras peticiones delante de Dios en toda oración y ruego, con acción de gracias.
7 Y la paz de Dios, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, guardará vuestros corazones y vuestros pensamientos en Cristo Jesús.

I was born and raised in Brooklyn New York, and this was so true for me...
during a time when everyone treated each other like Family. 
 We went outside to play, we got dirty.... We bought chips & candy from the corner store. 
 We played Red Light, Green Light, kick the can, Simon Says, Hide and Seek, Dodge Ball, Red Rover, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Softball and Football.
 We could ride our bikes to the store, or the park, or down a country road and stay all day.
 We ate beans & hot dogs, mac and cheese with peanut butter sandwiches at the school cafeteria. 
 We walked or rode a bike everywhere and never worried about safety. 
 We never thought to lock our windows or doors at night and we had chores to do around the house. 
 We helped clean off the table after a meal and ate our meals as a family at a table together. We weren't AFRAID OF ANYTHING, except our parents.😂 
If you fell down you would just get back up. 
 We challenged each other everywhere...King of the hill. If someone had a fight, that's what it was...a fight. 
 Kids weren't afraid of fake guns when I grew up. 
 Real guns were just a part of life and we respected them as well as our parents, our teachers and the American flag.
 We said the Pledge of Allegiance every time we went to school .
 We left our houses as soon as we could in the morning and right after school till our neighbors would yell out for their children as a reminder to get in the house for the night. 
 If one kid was called for dinner then we all knew to go home.
 We watched our mouths around our elders because we knew If we DISRESPECTED any adult there would be a price to pay and we had manners and respect, otherwise someone else's parents put you in your place. 
 I would not trade anything for the childhood we had, for we had enough and we had love and all that made us the adults we are today.
 Hold your finger down to copy and paste. Please re-post with your town if you're proud that you came from a close knit community and will never forget where you came from!!.

Esto lo escribió alguien,  y se comparten muchos comentarios sin el nombre de quien lo hizo (copy and paste). Me gusta compartirlo con ustedes, pues ha sido la niñez de muchas personas. Para que lo vea la juventud, tesoro divino, que son el futuro de todos los países del mundo.

"Pongo toda mi confianza en las promesas de nuestro salvador Jesuscristo que es toda misericordia".

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